Pollen tubes in the styles of the tomato and of other flowering plants can be observed by using the following technic. Styles are fixed in formalin-acetic-80% alcohol (1:1:8) and cleared and softened in a strong (8 N) sodium hydroxide solution. Staining is accomplished in a 0.1% solution of water-soluble aniline blue dye dissolved in 0.1 N, K3PO4. The styles are smeared or are observed whole under a conventional or dissecting microscope by direct illumination with ultraviolet light of a wavelength of about 356 m°. Observations are made in a darkened room. Under these conditions callose fluoresces bright yellow-green and contrasts strongly with the bluish or grayish fluorescence of the stylar tissue. The pollen tubes are outlined by a callose lining and irregularly spaced callose plugs.