The complete amino acid sequence of streptokinase has been determined by automated Edman degradation of its cyanogen bromide and proteolytic fragments. The protein consists of 415 amino acid residues. Sequence microheterogeneity was found at two positions. The NH2-terminal 245 residues of streptokinase are homologous to the sequences of several serine proteases including bovine trypsin and Streptomyces griseus proteases A and B. The sequence alignment suggests that the active-site histidine-57 has changed to a glycine in streptokinase. The other active-site residues, aspartyl-102 and serine-195, are, however, present at the expected positions. Streptokinase also contains internal sequence homology between the NH2-terminal 173 residues and a COOH-terminal 162-residue region between residues 254 and 415. Moderate homology in predicted secondary structures also exists between these two regions. Although streptokinase is not a protease, these observations suggest that it has evolved from a serine protease by gene duplication and fusion. A COOH-terminal region of about 80 residues is apparently deleted from the second half of the duplicated structures. These observations further suggest that the three-dimensional structure of streptokinase likely contains two independently folded domains, each homologous to serine proteases.