Rapid and accurate determination of manganese in washing powders using alkali fusion and inductively coupled plasma techniques

Procedures using lithium metaborate fusion were developed for the determination of manganese in commercially available washing powders. Bulk samples were homogenized and ground to reduce particle size, fused with LiBO2 and the resulting melt was dissolved in dilute nitric acid. The method was initially compared with results obtained after nitric acid leaching. Approximately 45 samples can be prepared in a working day, making this a rapid procedure. Sub-µg g–1 detection limits were obtained by both ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Results from the acid leaching gave RSDs better than 10%; however, the lengthy procedure (several hours per sample) was dropped in favour of the more rapid fusion procedure. Experiments showed that a mean recovery of 99.5 ± 11% could be obtained. The intra-sample precision (RSD) was typically better than 1% and the inter-sample precision, demonstrated by the analysis of replicate preparations, was <8% and was limited by sampling errors. Quality control data collected over a 1 month period showed a reproducibility of 2.3%(RSD).

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