Mammalian sperm do not respond to inducers of the acrosome reaction immediately after ejaculation. They become responsive after they are removed from seminal plasma and incubated in an appropriate medium. We tested the effects of seminal plasma on the development of acrosomal responsiveness. Washed human sperm incubated 24 hr in vitro with 10% (v/v) seminal plasma did not complete an acrosome reaction when exposed to human follicular fluid, progesterone, or ionomycin. Seminal plasma did not reduce sperm viability or motility. Electron microscopy of sperm incubated 24 hr with 5% seminal plasma and then treated with progesterone revealed no sign of membrane fusion or other changes that are associated with the acrosome reaction. During a 12-hr incubation, seminal plasma was 50% effective at inhibiting the acrosomal response to progesterone when diluted 821 ± 112 foid (mean ±SD, n = 3). Sperm that were incubated with seminal plasma for 24 hr and then washed free of the seminal plasma became acrosomally responsive over the following 24 hr, at a rate similar to that of sperm not incubated with seminal plasma in vitro. When sperm were incubated 6 hr without seminal plasma and then seminal plasma was added, the sperm population transiently became more responsive to progesterone, and then became unresponsive. During incubation in vitro, the ability of sperm to have an augmented response to a mixture of seminal plasma plus progesterone developed slightly earlier and more rapidly than ability to respond to progesterone alone. When sperm were incubated 24 hr without seminal plasma, a few acrosome reacted in response to the addition of seminal plasma alone. Therefore, depending on how it is applied, seminal plasma can prevent or reverse the development of acrosomal responsiveness, and it can enhance or induce the acrosome reaction.