Aggressive nonmelanomatous skin tumors (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and Bowen's disease) of the head and neck often occur in Caucasian elderly patients because of prior history of radiation therapy for teenage acne and adenoid hypertrophy; severe solar-induced skin damage, basal cell nevus syndrome, and other genetic skin diseases; chemical carcinogen exposure; and drug-induced immunosuppression. In patients with large, multifocal recurrent tumors, standard therapy with acceptable cosmetic outcomes may be difficult. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photosensitizing agents selectively taken up by skin provides a primary or adjunct intraoperative option for treatment of this special group of cancer patients. Retrospective review. Patients (age range, 60-92 y) were injected with 1.0 mg/kg PHOTOFRIN (dihematoporphyrin derivative) followed 60 hours later by intraoperative laser light activation. Light was delivered through microlens fiber by means of an argon dye laser at 630 nm at a light dose of 100 to 300 J/cm2 microlens delivery for PDT alone and 50 to 100 J/cm2 microlens delivery for tumor bed resection sites in the case of adjunct PDT combined with surgical resection. Twelve cases of aggressive recurrent nonmelanomatous cutaneous tumors of the head and neck were treated. Five patients received intraoperative PDT combined with surgical resection, including radical mastoidectomy, lateral temporal bone resection, partial maxillectomy with temporalis myofacial flap reconstruction, and wide local resection with secondary intention healing of exposed scalp wounds. Seven patients were treated with PDT alone for extensive multiple cutaneous lesions or wide-field primary or recurrent nonmelanomatous tumors. Ten patients achieved complete responses (follow-up, 6-60 mo) with excellent wound healing and cosmetic outcomes. PHOTOFRIN-mediated PDT is an excellent locoregional oncological modality for aggressive primary or recurrent basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, particularly in elderly patients who were previously treated with extensive Mohs microsurgery, surgical resection, and external-beam radiation therapy. Multiple repeat treatments are well tolerated, painless, without systemic morbidity, and amenable to local anesthesia or intravenous sedation for PDT alone, and wound healing and cosmetic outcomes are excellent.