Hirschsprung's Disease in Infants

Introduction Until recently, the clinical course of aganglionic megacolon was considered to be of a chronic and protracted nature with obstipation as the presenting symptom. In the past few years, however, several excellent papers have appeared by Dorman1 and Sieber and Girdany2 in which the severe and fulminating course of symptomatic Hirschsprung's disease in infants has been described. Because Hirschsprung's disease is still associated with chronic constipation in the minds of many physicians and consequently not thought of when an infant presents with an acute fulminating process, it was felt worth while to review the experience in the past 10 years at the Buffalo Children's Hospital with this disease in the very young infant. The cases selected for this review were all under 6 months of age at the time of their hospital admission, and all had had disabling symptoms starting before the age of 1 month. A

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