Ionization (Shakeoff) AccompanyingK-Shell Internal Conversion

Magnetic β-ray spectrometer studies at 0.05% momentum resolution with isotope-separator-prepared samples have revealed structure below the K conversion lines of the 122- and 136- keV (Fe57) and the 661-keV (Ba137) transitions. This structure consists of an abrupt rise below the K conversion line (in atomic number Z) at an energy displacement approximately equal to the L3 binding in the (Z+1) neutral atom, and a continuum extending to lower energies. These continua are interpreted as the spectra complementary to the (unobserved; energy near zero) L -shakeoff spectra; i.e., the sum of ejected K- and L-electron energies equals a constant. The double-vacancy binding energy for KL3 is 790510+20 eV for Fe and 43.01±0.03 keV for Ba. The sum of KL shakeoff from all three L subshells compared with the K line is ΣKLK=9×103 for Fe and 1×103 for Ba (both with uncertainties estimated at ∼50%), in good agreement with self-consistent-field overlap integrals for shakeoff in β decay if one takes the effective charge change for L electrons during K conversion as ∼0.85 times that for β decay. The spectrum shape of the KL continua, in the main, confirms the predictions of the nonrelativistic calculations which have been made for β-decay processes, but some discrepancies are suggested. For the less probable K shakeoff accompanying K conversion, preliminary values for intensities of the continua with respect to the K line are KKK between (0.4-2)×104 for Fe, and KKK<2×104 for Ba. No M1 or M2,3 shakeoff was obvious on the K line of the 14-keV transition in Fe57.