We have reexamined the Takano-Ogawa theory of Kondo's effect between a localized spin and conduction electrons in metals. We find the results of their analysis to be incorrect above zero temperature because of improper evaluation of the integrals vn=DDωn(ω2+Δ2)2f(ω)dω. We obtain new solutions for vn by not imposing the limit T0°K, D. This results in a new expression for the magnetic susceptibility which no longer diverges at the critical temperature TK: χ=(μB2kT){1(2π)invcot[kTΔ(T)]}, assuming antiferromagnetic coupling and Jρ1. At T=0°K, χ=(5.4π)(μB2kTK). In the intermediate temperature range, Δ(T)kT<TK, the susceptibility obeys a Curie-Weiss law with a negative Curie temperature (2π)[Δ(T)k] which decreases to zero as the temperature increases to TK. The effective moment (χkT)12 increases from zero to its free value as the temperature increases from T=0°K to TK. Above TK the system exhibits free spin behavior. The impurity contribution to the resistivity is given by R=(2m*ne2πρ){1+13[kTΔ(T)]2}1, which agrees with Nagaoka's result at low temperatures. Near TK the resistivity decreases with increasing temperature as [ln(TTK)]2.