Studies in vitamin A. 19. Preparation and properties of retinene2

The liver of ling cod (Ophiodon elongatus) contains vit. A1 and vit. A2 in the ratio 1/8-1/10. The partially sterol-free unsaponifiable fraction in light petroleum left to stand over MnO2 gives a mixture of retinene1 and retinene2. Separation can be effected by chromatography on water alumina. The liver oil of pike (Esox lucius). though not a very rich source of vit. A, contains more A2 than A1 and the unsaponifiable fraction after oxidation contains the 2 retinenes, which can be separated. Liver oil obtained from mixed large freshwater fishes of Lake Nyasa contains up to 15% of mixed vits. A (A2/A1 about 1/3). The sterol-free unsaponifiable fraction yields mixed retinenes on oxidation by MnO2- One prepn. of retinene2 showed m.p.61[degree] (not raised by recrystallization) but numerous subsequent prepns. melted sharply at 77-78[degree]. Retinene2 is an aldehyde forming a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone and semicarbazone. The absorption curves in several solvents were recorded. The SbCl3 color test is greenish blue, [lambda] max. 740 m[mu] initially, fading to 705 m[mu]. Retinene2 as obtained above agrees in its properties with the material obtained from bleached freshwater-fish retinas.