Shell, yolk and albumin represent 10.5%, 21.9% and 67.6%, respectively, of fresh-egg weight of boat-tailed grackles (Q. major). The proportion of egg composed of dry yolk increases as egg weight increases. The average 8.1-g egg contains 33.6 kJ of which 66.1% is in yolk and 33.9% is in albumin. The average 3-egg clutch was estimated to cost 131 kJ for yolk development and albumin deposition. These costs were spread over a 6-day period, with a peak of 28 kJ occurring on the day before egg laying began. At hatching, the yolk sac represents 19% of hatchling wet weight. Only 10% of the energy present in the egg at laying is expended during incubation. Hatchlings have substantial yolk reserves that contain 49% of the hatchlings'' energy.