Bone Metabolism

A study has been carried out to determine the effect of various diets on body growth, histological structure of bone, and chemical composition and mobilization of strontium from the skeletons of young growing rats. Animals having from 5 to 6 per cent of the mineral portion of their skeletons as strontium were maintained on (a) a standard laboratory diet, (b) a low-protein diet (8 per cent), (c) a high-calcium and high-vitamin-D diet, (d) a subminimal-phosphorus diet, (c) a cereal rachitogenic diet, (f) a creal rachitogenic diet containing ammonium chloride, and (g) a low-phosphors diet. The low-phosphorus diet had the most profound effect on strontium mobilization and skeletal mineralization, while the standard diet and the low-protein diet had the least effect.