A generalization of the Bjorken limit (for the two-point function) to the three-point and four-point functions is given. Some general features of the asymptotic behavior of the n-point function are also discussed. These results show that in calculating the various Ward identities for the n-point function all currents are "asymptotically conserved." We derive generalized Weinberg sum rules for the three-point functions (these results can be generalized to the n-point functions). We show that the KL0KS0 mass difference (in the universal Fermi theory) is quadratically divergent. Making a saturation assumption, we calculate the coefficient of the quadratic divergency and we get a weak-interaction cutoff Λ=4 BeV, suggesting that weak interactions are strongly nonlocal. By means of a simple power-counting argument, we find that the nth order probably behaves like n!G(GΛ2)n1, and assuming that this is some kind of asymptotic expansion, we find that the series begins to blow up for n104. The arguments for this do not constitute a proof. We then study the radiative corrections to the decays πeν and πμν, which involve a three-point function. We find that these decays cannot be discussed within the framework of current algebra. Finally we show that a somewhat generalized version of the Tamm-Dancoff approximation can be justified if we use our results for the n-point function.