There is no ternary eutectic in the system: indium–lead–tin: the eutectic trough extends from the lead–tin eutectic to the tin–indium eutectic. The liquidus surface has been outlined. The structures of all alloys of the above system have been investigated, at room temperature, by the X-ray and microscopic techniques. A one-phase region extends across the ternary diagram from the limits of the β-phase in the indium–tin system to the limits of the β-phase in the lead–indium system. This indicates that the intermetallic β-phases of the two systems (lead–indium and tin–indium) have the same lattice structure, viz. face-centered tetragonal. Heterogeneity has been detected by direct experiment in the system lead–indium, whereas it had previously only been deduced. Hardness tests, both Brinell and Vickers, have been made on the alloys.

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