Subunit Composition of Two Distinct Types of Collagen in the Muscle of the Squid Todarodes pacificus

Two genetically distinct a components were isolated from each of the major and minor collagens, Type SQ-I and SQ-II collagens, from the mantle muscle of squid by phosphocellulose column chromatography, called α1 (SQ-I) and α2 (SQ-I), α1 (SQ-II) and α2 (SQ-II), respectively. The α1 (SQ-I) and α1 (SQ-II) components were shown to be genetically distinct from each other by peptide mapping and amino acid analysis. On the other hand, the α2 (SQ-I) and α2 (SQ-II) components, which migrated at almost the same position on SDS-PAGE, were similar in peptide map and amino acid composition. However, slight differences were observed in both features, suggesting genetic differences. From the results, Type SQ-I and SQ-II collagens were demonstrated to be heterotrimers [α1 (SQ-l)]2α2 (SQ-I) and [α1 (SQ-II)]2α2 (SQ-11), respectively.