Clustering of mutations affecting alginic acid biosynthesis in mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa

A 10-kilobase DNA fragment previously shown to contain the phosphomannose isomerase gene (pmi) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was used to construct a pBR325-based hybrid that can be propagated in P. aeruginosa only by the formation of a chromosomal-plasmid cointegrate. This plasmid, designated pAD4008, was inserted into the P. aeruginosa chromosome by recombination at a site of homology between the cloned P. aeruginosa DNA and the chromosome. Mobilization of pAD4008 into P. aeruginosa PAO and 8830 and selection for the stable acquisition of tetracycline resistance resulted in specific and predictable changes in the pattern of endonuclease restriction sites in the phosphomannose isomerase gene region of the chromosomes. Chromosomal DNA from the tetracycline-resistant transformants was used to clone the drug resistance determinant with Bg/II or XbaI, thereby allowing the "walking" of the P. aeruginosa chromosome in the vicinity of the pmi gene. Analysis of overlapping tetracycline-resistant clones indicated the presence of sequences homologous to the DNA insert of plasmid pAD2, a recombinant clone of P. aeruginosa origin previously shown to complement several alginate-negative mutants. Restriction mapping, subcloning, and complementation analysis of a 30-kilobase DNA region demonstrated the tight clustering of several genetic loci involved in alginate biosynthesis. Furthermore, the tetracycline resistance determinant in PAO strain transformed by pAD4008 was mapped on the chromosome by plasmid FP2-mediated conjugation and was found to be located near 45 min.