Transcriptional Organization and Regulation of Magnetosome Operons in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense

Genes involved in magnetite biomineralization are clustered within the genomic magnetosome island of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Their transcriptional organization and regulation were studied by several approaches. Cotranscription of genes within the mamAB, mamDC, and mms clusters was demonstrated by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) of intergenic regions, indicating the presence of long polycistronic transcripts extending over more than 16 kb. The transcription start points of the mamAB, mamDC, and mms operons were mapped at 22 bp, 52 bp, and 58 bp upstream of the first genes of the operons, respectively. Identified -10 and -35 boxes of the P(mamAB), P(mamDC), and P(mms) promoters showed high similarity to the canonical sigma(70) recognition sequence. The transcription of magnetosome genes was further studied in response to iron and oxygen. Transcripts of magnetosome genes were detected by RT-PCR both in magnetic cells grown microaerobically under iron-sufficient conditions and in nonmagnetic cells grown either aerobically or with iron limitation. The presence of transcripts was found to be independent of the growth phase. Further results from partial RNA microarrays targeting the putative magnetosome transcriptome of M. gryphiswaldense and real-time RT-PCR experiments indicated differences in expression levels depending on growth conditions. The expression of the mam and mms genes was down-regulated in nonmagnetic cells under iron limitation and, to a lesser extent, during aerobic growth compared to that in magnetite-forming cells grown microaerobically under iron-sufficient conditions.