Cubic-to-Tetragonal Transformation and Susceptibility inLaAgxIn1xAlloys

The magnetic susceptibility χ(x,T) of the pseudobinary intermetallic compound LaAgxIn1x is given for temperatures T between 20 and 250 K with x between 1.0 and 0.15. For x between 0.9 and 0.6, χ is very anomalous, rising strongly as the samples are cooled until a temperature TM(x) is reached where a cubic-to-tetragonal crystallographic transformation is found to occur and the susceptibility drops to a much lower value. The transformation is shown to arise from a band Jahn-Teller effect. The behavior of χ(x,T) as well as TM(x) can be described quantitatively over a broad range of x assuming that the Fermi energy of LaAg lies closely below a high peak in the density of states which originates from the eg states of La. This peak becomes gradually populated as the electron concentration is increased by replacing Ag by In.