Results on genetic variability in some of the morphometric characters on head and face, body girths and skin folds, based on 45 MZ and 67 like-sex DZ twin pairs, are presented. The data were subjected to a method which eliminated possible biases in the estimated genetic variances that could result from heterogeneity of total variances between zygosities of the 17 head and face measurements, heterogeneity was observed for only bizygomatic diameter. Head breadth means differed between MZ and DZ twins, indicating bias in the trait's genetic variance analysis. The results indicated a significant genetic component in these morphometric traits. For 11 girth and skinfold measurements, the t'-test based on hierarchical structure of twin data, also failed to reveal any appreciable difference between the mean values of MZ and DZ twins. Heterogeneity of total variance between zygosities was observed for three skinfold measurements, ie, biceps, triceps and suprailiac. The girth measurements, however, did not reveal any heterogeneity of total variances between the zygosities. The estimates of genetic variance revealed stronger genetic component for the girths than for the skinfolds.