Lacking immunocytological GD2 expression in neuroblastoma: Report of 3 cases

Immunocytological bone marrow assessment for contamination with neuroblastoma cells is based on their characteristic GD2 surface staining. Neuroblastoma without GD2 expression have been rarely and only after antibody therapy reported. Conventional cytology was performed using Pappenheim staining. For immunocytology, the APAAP method was utilized with the 14G2a anti‐GD2 mouse monoclonal antibody. 7 × 105 cells on cytospin preparations were investigated. In 2003, 288 bone marrow samples from 191 neuroblastoma patients were investigated by cytology and immunocytology. Three cases demonstrated GD2 negativity on cytologically unambiguous neuroblastoma cells. Two female cases (94 and 37 months of age) with stage 4 neuroblastoma had GD2 expressing neuroblastoma cells in bone marrow at diagnosis. At 2nd relapse 25 and 23 months after diagnosis and 8 months and 12 months after anti‐GD2 antibody treatment (ch14.18), the bone marrow infiltrating neuroblastoma cells lacked GD2 staining. The third patient, a 63‐month‐old girl with bone marrow replacement by neuroblastoma cells showed at diagnosis a mixture of GD2‐unstained tumor clumps and very weakly stained neuroblastoma cells. Neuroblastoma cells may lack GD2 expression at diagnosis and at recurrence. This observation has diagnostic and therapeutic implications.