Radioactivity ofScandium44

Because of the unusual beta-ray spectrum previously reported by Smith, a study of the Sc44 radioactivity has been made. Sc44 was prepared according to the reaction K41(α,n)Sc44, and the activity was examined in two 180° focusing, shaped magnetic field spectrometers. A single positron group (E0=1.463±0.005 Mev; T12=4.0±0.1 hr.) was found; the Fermi plot of its momentum distribution has the allowed shape. The positron decay is fed by an isomeric transition (E=271.3±0.7 kev; T12=57±2 hr.) and is followed by a gamma-ray (E=1.16±0.01 Mev) to the ground state of Ca44. No positron transition directly to the ground state was observed. Evidence was found for a high proportion of K-capture to the excited state of Ca44.

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