Stress-wave propagation in Al2O3-epoxy mixtures

One‐dimensional shock loading, attenuation, and recompression data from gas‐gun experiments on mechanical mixtures of alumina powder and epoxy were used to develop model parameters for stress‐wave propagation. Specimens with 0.42, 0.34, and 0.20 volume fractions of alumina were investigated. Calculations simulating the experiments were performed using an extension of a Maxwell rate‐dependent model which requires definitions of the instantaneous, equilibrium, and relaxation functions as input. Experimental observations indicated the shock‐loading behavior is identifiable with the equilibrium response, and the release wave behavior is closely related to the instantaneous response. To model these effects, for negative strain rates, indicative of expansion, a relaxation time of 0.25 μs was used; this value gave agreement between the calculated and measured release wave behavior. For positive strain rates, indicative of compression, the relaxation time was permitted to decrease to 0.03 μs, which caused the shock‐loading response to be dominated by the equilibrium function. Hugoniot data determined from the stress‐wave profiles were compared to effective modulus calculations. This comparison suggests a strength effect which can be interpreted as an interaction between the components. Analysis using a self‐consistent scheme for spherical particles shows good correlation between calculated and measured ultrasonic and Hugoniot intercept wave velocities.