Shrinkage of PSE, Normal and DFD Hams during Transit and Processing1

Sixty-three fresh hams were selected to represent either PSE, normal or DFD muscle quality characteristics. They were shipped through commercial channels and then were cured and smoked. Results indicated that weight, composition and amount of bone removed were similar for all hams. However, during transit, PSE ham weight losses (1.51%) were about threefold greater than normal hams (.45%) and sevenfold greater than DFD hams (.23%). During curing, smoking and chilling procedures, additional PSE weight losses (5.71%) were greater than that of normal hams (3.95%) and over threefold greater than DFD hams (1.64%). It is estimated that this excess weight loss of PSE pork during transit, storage and processing could exceed 1,000,000 kg in the United States each year. Copyright © 1978. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1978 by American Society of Animal Science.