Fausa, O. Quantitative determination of serum bile acids using a purified 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Scand. J. Gaslroenl. 1975, 10, 747-752. A specific, simple, and reliable method for the quantitative determination of 3α-hydroxy bile acids in serum is described. It is based on the specific enzymatic conversion of the 3a-hydroxyl group of the steroid molecule using a highly purified 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and fluorimetric deter-mination of NADH. A liquid-solid extraction employing Amberlitc XAD-2 has been used. Overall recovery of the major human bile acids from normal and jaundiced serum averaged 91.2%. The range of normal values for serum bile acids was found to be 0.9-6.3 μmoles/1 (mean 3.0).