Immunologic Dysfunction in Infants Infected through Transfusion with HTLV-III

COMPELLING evidence implicates human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type III (HTLV-III) as the etiologic agent of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).1 2 3 HTLV-III has also been associated with a syndrome of persistent lymphadenopathy and with mild immune dysfunction in adults.4 We report on three infants with transfusion-acquired HTLV-III infection who had a variety of illnesses. This report confirms that HTLV-III can be transmitted by means of blood transfusion and indicates that infection with the retrovirus can cause a broad spectrum of diseases in infants.Case ReportsPatient 1A 3100-g white male infant was transferred to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on . . .