Three species of Ornithogalum are extensively grown. They are O. umbellatum, arabicum and thyrsoides. All three have white flowers. Another species, O. dubium, has deep orange flowers, but produces a weak inflorescence. Hybrids have been produced within a species but no wide crosses have been reported. Embryo rescue was successfully applied to develop new hybrids between O. dubium with strong color and O. thyrsoides with a strong inflorescence. The F1 hybrids produced buff-colored flowers on strong inflorescences with short internodes and long strong pedicels. The meiosis of these hybrids was not normal with univalent, laggards and bridges present. The F1 hybrids were slightly fertile and F2 and backcross progeny were produced. The progeny showed considerable segregation for both flower color and inflorescence traits. Clones were obtained which combined the orange flower colors of dubium with the strong inflorescence of thyrsoides.

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