A method of determining the coefficient of viscosity of a gas of spherically symmetrical molecules under ordinary conditions has been given by Chapman. His result is equivalent to wheremis the mass of a molecule of the gas,Tis the absolute temperature,kis Boltzmann's constant 1·372. 10−16and ε is a small quantity which later investigations on a gas in which the intermolecular force is inversely proportional to thenth power of the distance have shown to vary from zero whenn= 5 to 0·016 whenn= ∞ (equivalent to molecules which are elastic spheres); it may reasonably be supposed that ε is positive and less than 0·016 in all cases which are likely to be of interest, and it will be neglected in this paper. Also π(r) being the mutual potential energy of two molecules (that is, the repulsive force between them is − ∂π/∂r), andr0the positive zero of the expression in the denominator, or the largest such positive zero if there are several.

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