Angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometry of atomic chlorine using synchrotron radiation

Using synchrotron-radiation-based angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometry, the Cl 3s3p5 (3 P2,1,0o)np and 3s3p5 (1 P1o)np autoionizing Rydberg series are studied by monitoring the relative partial photoionization cross sections and asymmetry parameters of the 3p1 3 P2,1,0e, 1 D2e, and 1 S0e ionic states between 21.75 and 27.75 eV. The Rydberg series converging upon the 3s1 3 P2o, P1o3, and 3 P0o thresholds are clearly resolved. Rydberg levels up to n=14 can be identified in the (3 P2,1,0o)np series, while the (1 P1o)np Rydberg series can be observed up to n=10.