Die Bestimmung des genetisch fixierten Stoffwechselblockes einer Photosynthese-Mutante von Vicia faba

The genetic and biochemical properties of a mutant of Vicia faba which has a defect in photosynthesis have been investigated. The defect is caused by the mutation of one gene. This gene controls a factor involved in the reduction of TPN *. The mutant is unable, therefore, to reduce TPN. Since isolated chloroplasts of the mutant are still capable of photochemically reducing Hillreagents, such as 2.6-dichlorophenolindophenol and ferricyanide, with concomitant oxygen evolution, and of synthesizing ATP from ADP and P in a cyclic type of photophosphorylation, it is concluded that a considerable part of the electron transport chain is not affected. Soluble factors including photosynthetic pyridine nucleotide reductase are not lacking in the mutant. Therefore, the defect must be located at the end of the electron transport chain, which connects TPN reduction with the electron flow from excited chlorophyll a. From the results we suggest that in the lamellae structure of chloroplasts there exists an insoluble factor, which is necessary for the transfer of electrons or hydrogen from chlorophyll a to TPN without itself being involved in the cyclic electron flow of photophosphorylation or the light dependent reduction of ferricyanide.

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