The Role of GM1 and Other Gangliosides in Neuronal Differentiation Overview and New Findingsa

The pronounced increases in gangliosides belonging to the gangliotetraose family during the neurite outgrowth phase of neuronal differentiation have suggested a functional requirement for these substances related to process extension, arborization, and possibly synaptogenesis. Support for this hypothesis has come from a variety of experimental paradigms utilizing neuroblastoma cell lines, primary neuronal cultures, and observations on the developing nervous system. We have recently observed that differentiation of both primary neurons and neuroblastoma cells by Ca2+‐elevating stimulants is characterized by upregulation of GM1 in the nuclear membrane. Immunostaining revealed these Ca2+‐induced neurites to have axonal characteristics. Recent work has indicated that nuclear GM1 facilitates efflux of nuclear Ca2+, thereby contributing to the reduced level of nuclear Ca2+that characterizes the differentiated neuron. Thus, while GM1 is generally recognized as a pluripotent molecule with several modulatory roles in the plasma membrane of developing and mature neurons, regulation of Ca2+flux across the nuclear membrane is proposed as another critical function of this ganglioside in neuronal development, with special relevance to axonogenesis.