In the past few years, the force of adhesion F between small metal spheres (about 2 to 8 μm in diameter) and flat semiconducting or metallic substrates has been measured under a variety of conditions. Most of this work has been or is about to be published. This is a summarizing review of the results obtained. An ultracentrifuge technique has been employed. In measurements under ultra-high vacuum the adhesion between Au spheres and flat Si substrates was studied as a function of the oxide layer thickness on Si. Also flat Au substrates were used. The results fit with the Lifshitz theory of van der Waals forces. In another series of measurements the van der Waals component FndW of F was separated from the electrostatic one Fel which originates from the electrostatic double layer formed at the interface of the adherents. This was achieved by varying Fel by band-gap light of varying intensity. The adherents were Zr-coated Au spheres on CdS.

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