Monoclonal antibodies to surface glycoconjugates in Chlamydomonas eugametos recognize strain-specific O-methyl sugars

Monoclonal antibodies are described that are directed against cell surface components of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos. These antibodies recognize strain-specific epitopes which occur at the surface of vegetative and gametic cells. Two different groups of epitopes are distinguished that are never detectable together in one clonal cell culture. Evidence is presented showing that the antigenicity of cell surface molecules is a consequence of the presence of particular O-methylated sugars. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with one group of epitopes were studied in more detail, and immunoprecipitation and Western-blot studies showed that these epitopes can be arranged into four classes. The use of these monoclonal antibodies as strain-specific markers in light- and electron-microscopical techniques is illustrated.