The Adhesion Molecule on Glia (AMOG) Is Widely Expressed by Astrocytes in Developing and Adult Mouse Brain

Adhesion molecule on glia (ANOG) is a 45-50 kD cell surface glycoprotein structurally similar to the Na, K-ATPase .beta.-subunit and associated with the catalytic subunit of this enzyme. Previous immunofluorescence results had suggested that AMOG is transiently expressed on Bergmann glia during mouse cerebellar development, and antibody-inhibition results have implicated it in the migration of granule neurons. We report that, while AMOG mRNA is detected in Bergmann glia during the migratory period, this astrocyte derivative continues to express AMOG mRNA at similar levels in adult mice suggesting a functional role for AMOG in adulthood. Evidence from RNA and protein blot analyses that AMOG is present before birth, increasing about ten fold in adult mouse brain and cerebellum is also provided. RNA blot analysis of astrocyte-enriched cell populations and in situ hybridization results show that astrocytes synthesize AMOG mRNA in all regions of the developing and adult brain. In the adult, AMOG mRNA is more abundant in grey than white matter and, among grey matter regions, highest in cerebellar cortex. These results indicate a relationship between density of neuronal elements and AMOG expression. It is further speculated that AMOG is part of a Na,K-ATPase complex expressed preferentially by astrocytes in mouse brain.