Surface Elastic Waves in Cubic Crystals

A theoretical investigation of surface elastic waves in cubic crystals has been carried out using a theory developed by Stoneley. The range of elastic constants for which Rayleigh type surface waves exist on a (100) free surface has been determined. For other allowed values of the elastic constants generalized Rayleigh waves exist which are characterized by complex attenuation constants. In either case waves may not be propagated in certain directions parallel to the surface depending on the values of the elastic constants. A lattice dynamical theory of surface waves has been developed for a monatomic simple cubic lattice with nearest and next nearest neighbor central forces and angle-bending forces involving successive nearest neighbors. The surface waves exhibit dispersion when the wavelength is comparable to the lattice spacing. In the case of Rayleigh waves a critical wavelength exists, in general, such that for shorter wavelengths the atomic displacements show a reversal in phase between successive layers parallel to the surface.

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