The principal object of this paper is to show how hyperbolic functions of complex angles may be applied to the solution of the problem of heat losses in rectangular conductors that are embedded in open slots. A certain knowledge of the functions themselves is presupposed. Inasmuch, however, as they are handled like trigometric functions of real angles¿except in regard to the plus and minus signs¿it is a simple matter to acquire the requisite technical skill to use them. The hyperbolic function of a complex angle, consisting as it does of a real and an imaginary part, may represent a vector¿the real part being the component of the vector along the horizontal, and the imaginary part, component along the vertical. Thus, for example, A sinh (x + j x) represents a vector just as A e j ¿ A/¿, A (cos ¿ + j sin ¿) represent vectors. Considerable experience has shown that the vector method for handling a-c. problems is much superior to the original method in which simple trigonometric functions were used. With this lesson before us, it should require but little contact with the problem at hand to demonstrate the superiority of the vector method, even though it employs the possibly unfamiliar hyperbolic quantities. These hyperbolic vectors have been used for a number of years in the analysis of problems involving a-c. circuits, which have distributed inductance and capacitance, and have proved their usefulness.