State-of-the-Art Review : Effect of Sarpogrelate Hydrochloride on Platelet-Derived Microparticles and Various Soluble Adhesion Molecules in Diabetes Mellitus

We measured platelet-derived microparticles, ac tivated platelets, and various adhesion molecules in 48 patients with diabetes mellitus. We also performed a comparative study of these parameters before and after administration of sarpo grelate hydrochloride. The numbers of platelet-derived micro particles and activated platelets were increased significantly in diabetic patients, and CD63-positive platelets were increased in patients with diabetic complications and poorly controlled blood glucose. Soluble adhesion molecules and thrombomodu lin were also increased significantly. After administration of sarpogrelate hydrochloride, not only CD62p- and CD63- positive platelets, but also platelet-derived microparticles were decreased significantly. Soluble adhesion molecules and throm bomodulin were also significantly decreased after the treat ment. These data suggest that (a) in patients with diabetes, antiplatelet therapy with sarpogrelate hydrochloride is a useful antithrombin therapy because it suppresses the production of intrinsic coagulants by activated platelets; and (b) sarpogrelate hydrochloride decreases endothelial cell damage via adhesion molecules.