A novel 7-nucleotide motif located in 3' untranslated sequences of the immediate-early gene set mediates platelet-derived growth factor induction of the JE gene.

A cohort of the serum and growth factor regulated immediate-early gene set is induced with slower kinetics than c-fos. Two of the first immediate-early genes characterized as such, c-myc and JE, are contained within this subset. cis-acting genomic elements mediating induction of the slower responding subset of immediate-early genes have never been characterized. Herein we characterize two widely separated genomic elements which are together essential for induction of the murine JE gene by platelet-derived growth factor, serum, interleukin-1, and double-stranded RNA. One of these elements is novel in several regards. It is a 7-mer, TTTTGTA, found in the proximal 3' sequences downstream of the JE stop codon. The 3' element is position dependent and orientation independent. It does not function in polyadenylation, splicing, or destabilization of the JE transcript. Copies of the 7-mer or its inverse are found at comparable 3' sites in 25 immediate-early genes that encode transcription factors or cytokines. Given its general occurrence, the 7-mer may be a required cis-acting control element mediating induction of the immediate-early gene set.