The effects of two anticonvulsants on amino acid levels in the developing rat cerebellum

Two anticonvulsants were administered pre- and postnatally to determine their effects on putative amino acid neurotransmitter levels in the rat cerebellum. The amino acids were quantitated using precolumn fluorescence derivatization and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography at various postnatal intervals. Treatment with clonazepam produced an initial depression in levels of most of the amino acids analyised. By three weeks postnatal all the amino acids, with the exception of GABA, had returned to control levels. GABA levels were still depressed five weeks after the cessation of treatment. Phenobarbital treatment produced an initial elevation in the level of GABA. At three weeks postnatal, both GABA and glutamate levels were elevated and remained so at eight weeks postnatal. In conclusion, the data demonstrated that each anticonvulsant produced unique, acute and chronic alterations in the levels of the cerebellar amino acids.