Technological and organizational change in the Brazilian computer industry: A case study

This article gives an account of the results of a case study undertaken at a pioneer and particularly prominent firm in the Brazilian computer industry: COBRA — Computadores e Sistemas Brasileiros SA. The study is part of a research project1 whose main goal is the identification of viable organizational and technological options that could enhance the performance of firms in the Brazilian electro‐electronics industry. Among the more important findings, it was observed that the firm has the potential to evolve to a more flexible structure, in keeping with the new requirements of the probable future market scenarios within its sector. Everything indicated, however, that the main constraining factors for bringing about such a structure were connected with the firm's culture and beliefs and with the indirect influence of the National Policy of Information Technology upon these. An hypothesis was put forward for an organizational model, and the necessary supportive computerized technology, which could be particularly appropriate in view of the impending deregulation, of the Brazilian computer industry. Also, in the scope of the current discussion on the restructuring of this industry in terms of a greater concentration, an alternative to the prevailing school of thought was proposed, and for whose success the organizational model at issue purports to be particularly relevant.