Management of the Failed Exstrophy Closure

In the last 5 years we have seen 15 boys and 9 girls with failure of exstrophy closure, including 20 who had classical bladder exstrophy and 4 who had cloacal exstrophy. At the time of presentation 18 patients had undergone 1 closure while 6 patients had undergone 2 prior exstrophy closures. Closure was performed for complete bladder dehiscence in 16 cases and for significant bladder prolapse in 8. None of the patients underwent any form of osteotomy at the time of initial closure and in 19 closure was done within 72 hours of birth. Two patients underwent posterior iliac osteotomy elsewhere at the time of secondary closure. All patients referred to our institution underwent either posterior iliac osteotomy (8 patients) or anterior innominate osteotomy (16 patients). Epispadias repair along with reclosure of bladder exstrophy was done in 13 boys. The upper tract remained normal in all patients. There were no instances of failure in this group of reclosures. Eight patients have undergone subsequent bladder neck reconstruction of whom 7 are dry for 4 hours and 1 remains totally incontinent. Two patients have undergone simultaneous bladder neck reconstruction and augmentation cystoplasty, and they are dry on intermittent self-catheterization. The failed exstrophy closure presents a formidable dilemma. However, a secure reclosure can be achieved with careful surgical technique, a well performed osteotomy (even if previously performed) and concomitant epispadias repair for male subjects.