Secretory Otitis Media: Protein and Enzyme Analyses

Analysis of 69 mucus middle ear fluids of cases of secretory otitis media showed that the total protein concentration and LD, MD and acid phosphatase activity were all significantly higher than in serum. Alkaline phosphatase activity was similar in middle ear fluids and serum whereas esterase activity in serum was significantly higher than in middle ear fluids. Isoenzyme analyses showed different patterns for LD and MD in the ear fluids and serum and a tissue esterase fraction appeared only in the ear fluids. On Sephadex® G 200 chromatographic analysis the ear fluids were shown to consist of increased amounts of macromolecular proteins. These data prove that the middle ear mucosa secretes some of the protein components of the ear fluid. Early paracentesis and removal of adenoids are recommended in acute otitis media to prevent the development of secretory otitis media.

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