SKIN DISEASES DUE TO FUNGI External Mycoses or Dermatomycoses— Trichomycosis Axillaris Flava, Rubra and Nigra, Tricho-Aspergillosis, Cryptococcosis Epidermica, Intertrigo Saccharomycetica, Furunculosis Cryptococcica, Blastomycosis Cutis, Tinea Flava, Tinea Nigra, Dhobie Itch (Tinea Cruris), Mycotic Pruritus Ani, Tinea Imbricata (Tokelau), Pinta, Accladiosis. I shall deal briefly with the subject of dermatomycoses, or skin diseases due to fungi. Skin diseases of fungal origin may be separated into two large groups: Mycotic diseases of the hair—trichomycoses. Mycotic diseases of the skin proper—dermatomycoses, sensu stricto. The subject is large, so I will limit myself to a brief discussion of a few of the lesser known conditions of both types in the investigation of which I happened to take part. TRICHOMYCOSIS AXILLARIS FLAVA, RUBRA AND NIGRA Remarks.— Trichomycosis axillaris has been imperfectly known for years under the term lepothrix, but the various clinical types were not differentiated, and nothing definite was known of the