The Inhibitory Effect of Hydrocortisone on Lysis of Homologous Cells by Lymphocytes in Vitro

Summary: The effect of hydrocortisone was studied on the cytolytic activity of sensitized lymphocytes of BALB/c mice on homologous cells of the L strain in vitro. Hydrocortisone partially inhibited the destructive action of previously sensitized lymphocytes on homologous cells. There was no demonstrable lympholytic effect of hydrocortisone in vitro under the conditions of these studies. Recognition of the homologous cells by the sensitized lymphocytes was not altered by hydrocortisone. Therefore it is suggested that the inhibitory effect of hydrocortisone in vitro is due to blocking of the cytolytic activity of lymphocytes and not to the inhibition of the recognition of homologous cells by sensitized lymphocytes.