A human quantitative polymorphism related to Xg blood groups

A monoclonal antibody, 12E7, raised against lymphocytes from a patient with a T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia reacts strongly with cortical thymocytes and, to a lesser extent, with other human cells. The antigen defined by 12E7 is not expressed on mouse or hamster cells; this species specificity allowed us to investigate the genetics of the expression of the 12E7 antigen using human-rodent somatic-cell hybrids. Hybrid cells which contain the human X chromosome as the only human genetic contribution react with 12E7. The X-linkage of the gene, or genes, controlling 12E7 antigen expression and the fact that 12E7 antigen is also expressed on red blood cells led to the investigation of the possibility of a relationship with the X-linked Xg blood group system. Although the 12E7 and Xga antigens seem to be different antigenic determinants specified by different loci, there is a sex-limited effect involving the Xg phenotype on the expression of 12E7 antigen.

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