Simple Sensitive Electrical Pressure Gauge

A simple, sensitive, electrical pressure measurement device has been constructed which is capable of measuring and recording absolute or differential pressures of corrosive materials of isolated systems. A linear variable differential transformer attached to a sylphon bellows indicates differential pressure across the bellows or serves as a null indicator when an unknown pressure on one side of the bellows is balanced with a gas of measurable pressure on the other side. In order to prevent inelastic deformation, the motion of the of the bellows is limited to 60 mm Hg, although larger pressure differentials can be measured. The sensitivity is independent of temperature and pressure and the device can be compensated for temperature. Absolute pressures and small differential pressures can be measured to ±0.02 mm Hg with an input signal of 2 kc, and to ±0.005 mm Hg with an input signal of 10 kc. A vacuum tube voltmeter with a full scale of 1 millivolt is used as the output indicator.

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