Aortic valve replacement (AVR): influence of age on operative morbidity and mortality

Retrospective analysis of 306 patients following aortic valvereplacement (AVR) was carried out between 1985-89. Patients were dividedinto two groups: group 1 patients were less than 70 years of age and group2 were greater than 70 years of age. The multivariant analysis of riskfactors showed the only increased risk for surgery was the NYHA class IV ineither group. There was no overall difference in morbidity and mortality.The actuarial survival rate for group 2 patients was 95% at 1 year and 75%at 5 years. This was not different when compared for death in age- andsex-matched controls from the general population. AVR in the elderly issafe, the long-term result is good and it remains the treatment of choiceunless there is an absolute contraindication.