AC Percy oat

AC Percy oat (Avena sativa L.) is a spring-type, daylength-sensitive, strong-strawed, tall, late-maturing, naked-seeded cultivar suitable for the feed industry in eastern Canada, especially in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Its outstanding features include high grain yield, exceptionally large groat size and high hectolitre weight, and very low percentage of hull in threshed seed resulting from an almost complete expression of the hull-less genes under different environments. AC Percy is resistant to loose smut (Ustilago avenae Pers. Rostr.) and to race CR13 of crown rust (Puccinia coronata Cd. f. sp. avenae Eriks. and E. Henn.) but is susceptible to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), septoria blotch (Septoria avenae Frank f. sp. avenae) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. avenae Eriks. and E. Henn.). Key words: Avena sativa L., crown rust and smut resistant, large groats, cultivar description, naked oat

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