A variety of CP violating asymmetries in $B^0$ decays is predicted in the Standard Model in terms of CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) complex phases. These phases can also be determined from rate measurements of certain $B^+$ and $B^-$ decays. We focus on the following processes: $B^0\to\psi K_S,~\pi^+\pi^-,~\pi^0\pi^0, ~\rho^{\pm}\pi^{\mp},~B_s\to D^+_s K^-,~\pi^0\eta, ~B^+\to D^0(\Dbar)K^+,~\pi^+\pi^0,~\pi^0 K^+,~ \pi^+ K^0,~\eta K^+$ and their charge-conjugates. Complications due to gluonic-penguin and electroweak-penguin amplitudes are dealt with and are resolved. The importance of final state interaction phases in charged $B$ decay asymmetries is demonstrated in $B^+\to\chi_{c0}\pi^+,~~\chi_{c0}\to\pi^+\pi^-$ through the effect of the $\chi_{c0}$ width.

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