Growth, Phosphate Pools, and Phosphate Mobilization of Salt-stressed Sesame and Pepper

The growth and phosphate mobilization of control and salt-stressed sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants were examined to ascertain whether or not translocation limits growth of salt-stressed plants. Plants were grown in a complete nutrient solution with and without excess salt. One-half of the control and salt-stressed plants were later transferred to phosphate-free culture solution (-P plants). Measurements of growth and phosphate pools in leaves indicated that with or without salinity -P plants utilized their phosphate reserves to support growth for a time at rates equaling those of plants supplied with phosphate. Apparently mobilization was not limiting for growth of salt-stressed plants. Defoliation experiments were performed at a developmental stage when the import of assimilates by the youngest expanding leaves could be changed by removing certain source or sink leaves. These experiments also indicated that phloem transport was not limiting for leaf growth on salt-stressed plants.