Study of prompt e+e, η0, and ω0 production in low-energy p¯p annihilations

A study of prompt e+e production has been made using the Argonne 12-foot bubble chamber exposed to a low-energy p¯ beam. We found eleven annihilation events with e+e pairs of invariant mass greater than the π0 mass. The background to direct e+e pair production comes mainly from η0γe+e and ω0π0e+e Dalitz pairs. To determine these backgrounds, we have measured the inclusive η0 and ω0 production rates using externally converted γ rays. We find ω0π0=0.20±0.07 and η0π0<0.11 at the 90% confidence level. The (η0+ω0) Dalitz background plus other small backgrounds yield 7.03.0+44 events. The remaining events yield a 90%-confidence-level upper limit for the ratio of prompt e+e pairs to π0 production of 4 × 105.