Our previous treatment of noise in the nonequilibrium steady state is extended to include nonstationary processes, and processes for which the quasilinear approximation is inadequate. By use of backward-equation methods, we show that M0(a0, t, t0)=expt0tQ(a(s), ts) ds subject to a(t0)=a0 obeys the differential (integral) equation: M0(a0, t, t0)t0=[Q(a0, tt0)Σn=1Dn(a0, t0):(a0)n]M0, where the Dn are the nth-order diffusion coefficients of the a(s) process, and Q(a(s), s) is an arbitrary function of a and s. The choice Dn=0, n>2, D2=D D1(a)=Λa makes a(s) an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O.U.) process, i.e., white noise that has been filtered through an RC network with time constant 1Λ. The choice Q(a(s), s)=k(ts)[a(s)]2 squares the output and applies the time smoothing k(ts). For k(s)=exp (2βs) [time smoothing through an RC network with time constant (12β)], an explicit solution is obtained for the characteristic function M0. For arbitrary positive k(s), we show that M0 becomes independent of a0 as t if k()=0, and M0 becomes stationary if Λ>0 and 0k(u) du<.